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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Stuck on what to write about for the Common App essay… any ideas?

Guys, I’m staring at a blank document supposed to be my Common App essay and I'm drawing a total blank. How did you find your topic, and what did you write about? Any brainstorming methods or prompts that could get the creative juices flowing?

11 months ago

I completely understand the struggle—my own child went through the same ordeal last year. What helped them was starting with small, everyday anecdotes that had a bigger message about who they are. Remember, colleges are looking to understand you as an individual, so insights into your personal growth, moments that sparked passion, or challenges you've overcome make for compelling stories. My child wrote about a specific interaction with a family member that taught them the value of patience and empathy, turning a simple story into an exploration of their personal development. Brainstorm moments in your life that changed your perspective or prompted action. You don't need to have moved mountains; sometimes the most persuasive essays come from reflecting on small moments with honesty and depth.

11 months ago

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