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Which coding courses are beneficial for high school students interested in a Computer Science major?

I'm a junior interested in majoring in CS, and I really want to up my coding skills before college. Can anyone recommend any coding courses or programs that are particularly valuable for someone still in high school?

11 months ago

Absolutely, it's great that you're looking to strengthen your coding skills! For high school students, a blend of structured coursework and self-driven projects can be particularly beneficial. Coursework through platforms like Codecademy, Coursera, or Khan Academy offers solid foundations in languages such as Python, Java, or HTML/CSS. If your high school offers AP Computer Science A, that's a highly recommended course since it covers Java in depth and is recognized by colleges for both rigor and potential college credit. Also, don't overlook the value of local community college courses which can sometimes provide more in-depth and hands-on experience.

In addition to courses, getting involved in coding projects, hackathons, or contributing to open-source projects can be an excellent way to demonstrate your skills and passion to colleges. When you create your own projects or collaborate with others, you not only learn to code but also to solve real-world problems, a skill highly valued in the field of computer science. Remember, the goal is to show both a strong foundation in coding and an ability to apply your skills creatively.

11 months ago

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