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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What electives do you recommend for a well-rounded high school experience?

Hey everyone, I'm trying to pick some electives for next year and I want to balance fun with educational value. I'm already looking into taking a business class because I might want to major in it, but what are some other fun elective classes in high school that you guys have enjoyed or benefited from?

a year ago

Hey there! Your approach to selecting electives sounds smart – it's great to combine learning with fun.

Since you're considering a major in business, electives like economics, personal finance, or entrepreneurship could align with your interests and provide useful fundamentals. For a creative and practical twist, consider classes like marketing or graphic design, which can be both fun and relevant to the business field.

Additionally, exploring a foreign language could be advantageous, as it can bolster communication skills and cultural awareness – both valuable in the business world. And don't overlook the arts! Whether it's theatre, pottery, or creative writing, these courses can enhance your creativity and provide a refreshing balance to your schedule.

Remember to think about the skills that will serve you well in the future and the things that make you excited to learn. Have a wonderful time picking your classes!

a year ago

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