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Do colleges still require SAT scores for the upcoming application cycles?

Hey everyone, I'm starting to get my college list together and I'm a bit confused about the testing requirements. I’ve heard some schools went test-optional due to the pandemic, but will colleges still require SAT scores for those of us applying in the next year or so? Is there a trend going on about whether schools are reinstating testing requirements or keeping the test-optional policy? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hello! It's terrific that you're getting a head start on understanding the admissions terrain. You're correct that many colleges adopted test-optional policies due to the pandemic, and a significant number of them are continuing this policy for the upcoming application cycles. However, this is not a one-size-fits-all scenario, as policies vary by institution. Some colleges have extended their test-optional policies for a few more years, while others have made the decision to become test-optional permanently.

Nevertheless, there are still schools that are reinstating their SAT/ACT requirements or may do so in the future. My best advice is to check the admissions website of each college on your list for the most up-to-date information. Additionally, even if a school is test-optional, submitting strong test scores can still be beneficial, especially if they enhance your application. Just remember, if you're applying to a mix of test-optional and test-requiring schools, it's wise to prepare for and take the SAT or ACT to keep all your options open. Good luck with your preparations!

a year ago

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