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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Haverford College and its Reputation?

So I've been researching liberal arts colleges and Haverford keeps coming up. For anyone familiar with the school or even current students: what's Haverford renowned for? Does it have any standout departments or unique traditions that shape its reputation?

a year ago

Haverford College indeed has a solid reputation among liberal arts colleges, known particularly for its strong sense of community and honor code, which fosters a culture of trust and academic integrity.

Academically, Haverford has impressive programs in the sciences and humanities, but it's particularly well-regarded for its Biology and Political Science departments.

Another unique aspect is the consortium with Bryn Mawr, Swarthmore, and the University of Pennsylvania, allowing students to cross-register in classes which expands their academic and social opportunities.

As for traditions, one of the most cherished is the Customs Week, an orientation period that helps to integrate new students into the college's community and culture. Additionally, Haverford's Plenary is an iconic twice-yearly event where the entire student body gathers to discuss and vote on issues relating to the college's Honor Code and other campus matters.

These elements, alongside a picturesque campus and a close-knit alumni network, contribute significantly to what many find special about Haverford!

a year ago

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