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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Fees for the Spanish CLEP Exam?

Hola! Planning on taking the Spanish CLEP exam to bypass some intro courses in college. Any idea how much it costs? Gotta crunch the numbers to see if my part-time job can cover it.

a year ago

Hello there! It's smart to be planning ahead with your finances, especially with college costs being what they are. The current fee for the Spanish CLEP exam is $89. However, don't forget that there may be an additional administrative fee that your chosen test center could charge, and that typically ranges between $15 to $30. So, you'd be looking at a total somewhere between $104 and $119. My child found that studying for and taking the CLEP exam was a solid investment, considering it helped bypass some courses and save on tuition in the long run.

Don't forget to check if your chosen college accepts CLEP credits for the language requirement, as policies can differ. If they do, it's definitely a cost-effective way to earn college credit. Best of luck with your studying and your job - it sounds like you're making some sage financial decisions early on!

a year ago

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