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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What minors are offered at Florida State University?

Hey, everyone! If anybody attending FSU could answer, what kind of minors does the university offer? I'm really keen on broadening my field of study, so any knowledge about this would be super appreciated!

3 months ago

Florida State University offers a diverse range of minors to complement various fields of study. The course catalog offers over 80 minors that you can integrate into your academic plan. Some examples include:

1. Art History

2. Biological Science

3. Computer Science

4. Economics

5. Film Studies

6. Geography

7. Hospitality

8. International Affairs

9. Journalism

10. Music Studies

11. Philosophy

12. Psychology

13. Sociology

14. Theatre

15. Urban and Regional Planning

These are just a few of the options available. In order to declare a minor at FSU, you typically need to complete a certain number of credit hours in the minor field, and you'll need to maintain a certain GPA in those courses. However, the specific requirements can vary depending on the minor. You should definitely visit FSU’s website to view the complete list of available minors and their requirements or contact the academic advisor for more detailed information. It's good to approach this with a grasp of your interests and academic strengths so you can select a minor that complements your main field of study.

3 months ago

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