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Crafting a NJHS Essay: Where to Begin?

Hey guys, I've been selected to apply for the National Junior Honor Society at my school, and I'm kinda nervous about the essay part. I want it to be really good. Any advice on how to kick things off? What do they look for in these essays, and how can I make mine stand out? Also, do they care more about storytelling or my academic achievements?

a year ago

Congratulations on being selected to apply for the National Junior Honor Society! This is a great opportunity to showcase not only your academic capabilities but your character, leadership, and service as well. Kicking things off, you'll want to brainstorm some key moments in your life that demonstrate these qualities. Storytelling is a powerful tool in an essay, as it can bring your experiences and achievements to life. The selection committee is indeed interested in your academic achievements but also places great emphasis on character and involvement in school or community service.

A strategy to make your essay stand out is to focus on a single anecdote that exemplifies your commitment and contributions, particularly one that illustrates personal growth or impact on others. Tie this back to the core values of NJHS—scholarship, service, leadership, character, and citizenship. Be genuine in your writing, and avoid simply listing your achievements. Instead, reflect on what these experiences mean to you and how they've shaped you into a candidate for NJHS. Good luck with your essay!

a year ago

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