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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Are there any good CLEP exam study guides?

So, Im planning to take a few CLEP exams soon and I've been looking for some solid study guides. Can anyone recommend their favorite study guides for CLEP exams? Are there any you found particularly helpful?

a year ago

It's great that you're planning to take CLEP exams! Prepping the right way can certainly give you a head-start in earning college credit. One highly regarded resource is the official study guide from the College Board, which offers sample questions and examination guides tailored to each subject.

Additionally, many find that textbooks used in corresponding college courses serve as excellent in-depth study aids. Don't forget to check out your local library or online platforms where you might access these materials for free or at a reduced price.

Furthermore, some students benefit from digital flashcards or subject-specific websites with practice quizzes to reinforce their learning. As always, make sure you thoroughly read the exam descriptions and understand the topics covered. Wishing you the best of luck on your CLEP exams!

a year ago

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