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How to manage a rigorous schedule with multiple AP courses in high school?

Is it common to feel overwhelmed by taking several AP classes? I'm gearing up for my senior year and debating if I should drop one. How do you guys handle the workload, and what’s a good strategy to decide if I should drop an AP course?

a year ago

Feeling overwhelmed with a rigorous course load, especially one filled with AP classes, is absolutely common among high school students. Striking a balance is key. It's crucial to manage your time efficiently, which may include creating a study schedule, prioritizing tasks, and even using study techniques like the Pomodoro Technique for time management. Remember to incorporate breaks and self-care activities into your routine to avoid burnout.

As for deciding whether to drop an AP course, consider your academic strengths, interest in the course content, and college aspirations. What are your goals? Which APs align with those goals, and which might be stretching you too thin? If you find a particular course doesn't contribute meaningfully to your educational trajectory or specialization—what we refer to as your 'spike'—and is causing undue stress, it may be reasonable to drop it.

However, don't forget to consider how the rigorous course load might reflect your ability to handle college-level work, which can be a positive signal to colleges. It might also be worth discussing this with your teachers or a school counselor, as they can provide personalized advice based on their understanding of your academic performance and college goals.

a year ago

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