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How worth it is joining the Science National Honor Society?

Hey everyone! I'm currently weighing my extracurricular options and I came across the Science National Honor Society at my school. I'm really into STEM subjects and I'm considering joining. Just not sure about how much colleges care about this or if it provides any significant benefits besides just looking good on applications? Anyone have experience with it?

a year ago

It's wonderful to hear about your passion for STEM subjects! Joining the Science National Honor Society can be a valuable opportunity, not just for your college applications, but as a platform for personal and academic growth.

This society is often recognized as a Tier 3 extracurricular activity, which indicates your interest in science and provides you the chance to take on leadership roles within the organization. For more on the 4 Tiers of Extracurricular Activities, check out this CollegeVine article:

Moreover, the society can offer you networking opportunities with peers who have similar interests and potentially some unique experiences or community service projects related to science. If you have room in your schedule to actively contribute to the society, it could definitely be worthwhile.

Keep in mind though, simply joining without engagement wouldn't be seen as impactful by colleges; it's the depth of your involvement and any leadership roles you take on that would really stand out. For instance, initiating a new community service project or leading a significant event would provide a strong talking point on your application and show colleges your genuine interest in the field of STEM.

Good luck with your decision!

a year ago

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