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Which colleges are best for military students?

Hey everyone! I'm currently a junior in high school and considering going into the military after graduation. Lately, I've been thinking about maybe doing ROTC or something similar in college. With all that in mind, does anyone know what some of the top colleges are for students involved with the military? Specifically, I'd love to know more about on-campus programs that can prepare me for a military career.

5 months ago

In terms of colleges with strong ROTC programs and supportive environments for military students, here are a few that stand out:

1. Norwich University is known as the birthplace of the ROTC program and continues to offer robust programs through Army, Navy, and Air Force ROTC.

2. Texas A&M University is one of six senior military colleges in the U.S, and it's well-respected for its Corps of Cadets program. Additionally, it offers Army, Air Force, and Naval ROTC programs.

3. Virginia Tech has a strong Corps of Cadets program and hosts Army, Naval, and Air Force ROTC units.

4. University of Notre Dame has a well-established reputation for its Army, Navy, and Air Force ROTC programs. It's also known for the supportive community it provides to its ROTC students.

5. Georgetown University also offers all three ROTC programs and is located in D.C., providing plenty of internship and networking opportunities related to the military and government. That being said, the right college for you depends on your specific interests and career goals.

Be sure to research each school's ROTC program, as well as any military-oriented clubs or other resources that are available on campus. Additionally, you could consider service academies like the U.S. Military Academy (West Point), the Naval Academy, or the Air Force Academy. They offer a top-tier education, with the understanding that you'll serve in the military after graduation. They can be incredibly competitive to get into, but for certain students, they are an excellent option. Hope this helps in your search!

5 months ago

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