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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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SMCC Summit, MS experience?

I was looking at Southwest Mississippi Community College in Summit as a potential option and was wondering if anyone's attended or knows somebody who has? What's it like there? Is it a good springboard for transferring to a four-year college?

5 months ago

In terms of your question about the overall experience at Southwest Mississippi Community College (SMCC), it's important to remember that each person's experience can differ based on their expectations, academic goals, involvement in campus life, and more. That said, the school does have a strong community atmosphere and offers a range of two-year associate degree programs and vocational/technical programs.

As for transferring to a four-year college, many community colleges, including SMCC, do indeed serve as a springboard for students who wish to further their education in a four-year institution. The success of this path generally depends on how carefully you plan your studies at the community college level, bearing in mind the requirements of the four-year institution you wish to transfer to. You should maintain frequent communication with advisors at both institutions to ensure a smooth transition.

Just remember, to make the most out of your experience wherever you go, get involved on campus, maintain good grades, and take advantage of the resources available to you. Always keep your end goals in mind and map out a clear pathway to achieve them. Compare your plans with various four-year institutions especially the ones you wish to transfer to, ensuring your credits will be applicable to your future studies.

5 months ago

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