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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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When the Common App shows 'downloaded by college', what does that indicate?

Hey fellow stress-mates, I noticed in my Common App portal it says 'downloaded by college' next to my apps. Is that a good sign, or does it just mean they have my application on file and nothing more? Has anyone figured out if this correlates with interview invites or anything?

11 months ago

Hello there! The status 'downloaded by college' in the Common App portal signifies that the respective college has retrieved your application from the Common Application system and now has it in their own database for review. It's definitely a positive sign in the sense that your application is now in the hands of the admissions team.

However, it's not directly correlated with interview invites or the likelihood of acceptance. Each college has its own process and timeline for reviewing applications and extending interview invitations. Some colleges might extend interviews shortly after downloading applications, while others may do so after an initial review. Also, not all colleges conduct interviews as part of the admissions process.

I understand that waiting for any additional statuses or updates can be nerve-wracking, but at this stage, patience is really key. Rest assured, the 'downloaded by college' status means you've cleared the first administrative hurdle and your application is one step closer to being evaluated by the college's admissions committee. Keep up the positive spirit!

11 months ago

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