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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What Exactly Is a Commuter Student?

Hey everyone, sorry if this seems ignorant but what exactly does 'commuter student' mean? I stumbled upon this term in a few college websites but couldn't grasp it fully. Is it like, living off-campus and driving to college daily, or does it have a broader meaning?

3 months ago

No worries at all! Asking questions is how we learn. A 'commuter student' typically refers to a student who lives off-campus and travels to classes rather than living in dormitories or other on-campus housing. This could mean the student lives at home with their family and commutes to campus each day. Or they might also live in their own apartment or shared housing somewhere off-campus. The traveling methods usually include driving, using public transportation, cycling, or in some cases, walking. The term 'commuter' essentially captures the idea that the student has a daily commute to campus, much like a person commuting to a job. So your initial understanding was pretty much spot on! Keep in mind though, that each university may define what they consider a "commuter student" slightly differently, such as putting a length on the commute or requiring students to live with family or in their own housing, rather than a typical apartment.

3 months ago

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