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Military colleges around New York?

I'm from NY and I'm thinking of joining the military while also getting a college education. Are there any military colleges in or around New York that I should consider?

5 months ago

Sure, there are a few military colleges in and around New York that you might consider.

One prominent option is the U.S. Military Academy, also known as West Point. This is located in West Point, New York, and is one of the top military schools in the country. As a federal service academy, it offers a fully funded education in exchange for a commitment to serve in the military upon graduation.

Another military-inclusive institution is the State University of New York (SUNY) Maritime College, located in Throggs Neck, New York. It's one of the six state maritime academies in the U.S that receives aid from the federal Maritime Administration. Graduates have the options to enter the maritime industry, the military, or both. SUNY Maritime College offers Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps (NROTC) scholarships for students interested in becoming commissioned officers in the Navy or Marine Corps after graduation.

Also, remember to consider ROTC programs at non-military colleges. Many colleges and universities offer ROTC programs in partnership with the various branches of the military. Such programs allow you to take part in military training while completing your degree and then serve in the military after graduation. You would apply to schools normally and then also apply for the ROTC program of your chosen branch. Almost all colleges in New York offer ROTC programs. Examples include Fordham University and Syracuse University, both of which offer Army and Air Force ROTC programs.

Each of these options provides a different pathway into the military and has its own set of application requirements, so I recommend researching each one to see which may be the best fit for your goals.

5 months ago

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