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SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Listing Colleges and Universities in the DMV Area

Stressed junior here! I've lived in the DC/Maryland/Virginia area my whole life and feel like it would be a good fit for my college experience. Can anyone provide a list of the colleges and universities worth considering in this region?

3 months ago

Absolutely! This region, often referred to as the DMV, has a lot to offer when it comes to higher education. The universities and colleges here offer a diverse range of size, setting, and specialty. Look over the following schools and see if any align with your preferences and interests:

1. Georgetown University: Located in D.C., it's prestigious, with strong programs in international relations, finance, and political science.

2. George Washington University: Also in D.C., they have reputable programs in political science and international relations.

3. American University: A private research university in D.C recognized for its programs in international service, journalism, public affairs, and more.

4. Howard University: A notable historically Black university in D.C., known for its strong programs in business, health sciences, and communication.

5. University of Maryland, College Park: This large state school is recognized for its programs in business, engineering, and computer science.

6. Johns Hopkins University: Located in Baltimore, Maryland, it's world-renowned, especially in the fields of medicine, public health, and engineering.

7. Naval Academy: This federally service-academy is located in Annapolis, Maryland, and produces officers for the U.S Navy and Marine Corps.

8. University of Virginia: An esteemed public university located in Charlottesville, with strong programs in commerce, engineering, and more.

9. Virginia Tech: This public university is in Blacksburg, known particularly for its strong engineering programs.

10. College of William & Mary: A public research university in Williamsburg, Virginia, known for programs in law, business, and education.

11. George Mason University: The largest public research university in the Commonwealth of Virginia, located in Fairfax, it's known for its programs in economics, law, and creative writing.

Be sure to consider factors like size, setting, availability of majors, and financial aid offerings when making your college list. Good luck!

3 months ago

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