Parents Series: How the Harvard Lawsuit Could Change College Admissions

Recorded Wednesday, June 14, 2023 at 11:00 PM

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Harvard College is currently facing a lawsuit over its use of race as one of many factors in its admissions process. The Supreme Court has taken up the case, and will likely make a decision this June. If Harvard's admissions policies are determined by SCOTUS to be discriminatory, it could lead to affirmative action being scaled back or banned nationally.

During this livestream, GP LeBourdais from Polygence ( will explain how you can prepare for these potential changes to college admissions by pursuing an independent research project.


GP LeBourdais

George Philip (GP) LeBourdais is a former high school teacher, Fulbright Scholar, and the Head of Strategic Initiatives at Polygence. He holds an BA from Middlebury College, an MA from Williams College, and a PhD from Stanford in the History of Art & Architecture. GP worked as a Graduate Consultant for Stanford’s Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning to help instructors across the university improve their teaching. Before joining Polygence, he held a two-year postdoc as the Research Program Manager at Stanford’s Digital Humanities lab, the Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis.
Your host

Undergrad College: Georgetown University '21

Major: History; Minors in French and Russian

Work Experience: The college applications process is all about responding to one question: who are you? I am passionate about helping students craft a creative answer. I have been helping students gain admission to the T25 schools of their dreams since 2018, when I first started working for CollegeVine as an Applications Consultant, and later, blog writer. Soon after graduating from Georgetown, I started my own company to make college advising my career. I currently mentor students through one-on-one consulting sessions and essay editing.

My Admissions Story: My admissions journey began with a desire to dive into the humanities and have an adventure of self-discovery. I applied to East Coast liberal arts schools that value creativity and specialize in teaching languages, history, and international affairs. One thin deferral letter came in the fall, a thicker envelope came in the spring, and with that, I was accepted to my dream school — Georgetown University!

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