Live Q&A With A George Mason Admissions Officer

Recorded Monday, May 18, 2020 at 11:00 PM

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School information

George Mason University

Fairfax, VA

Ask a George Mason admissions officer questions about what it takes to get admitted to George Mason, GMU's application process, academics, and more.

George Mason has shut down campus visits and tours due to the coronavirus outbreak, and many families are missing out on the opportunity to learn about the college first hand from admissions staff on campus. Kelly will start the session with an in-depth overview of George Mason, covering topics ranging from admissions to academics to campus life. In the second half of the session, she'll open the floor to an audience Q&A session and answer your questions about GMU.


Kelly Cardew - Hello! My name is Kelly Cardew and I'm an admissions counselor here at George Mason University. Before becoming a part of the team at Mason, worked in admissions by being a student ambassador and student intern at Newberry College. During my time at Newberry, I was also a student athlete and played on the soccer team. I learned so many things being a collegiate athlete, such as being a team player, working hard, and cherishing every special moment and I intend to carry those lessons into my work as an admissions counselor. One of the biggest reasons why I decided to work at Mason is because I can see how much of an impact this university has on students. No matter who you are or what you want to become, you have a voice here on campus and you will be given the tools to make your voice count out in the world. I know that choosing a college can seem like a daunting and challenging task but it can also be a very special and fun time in your life. I hope that during this time you will be encouraged to seek out your home away from home, and I also hope I can help you with that journey. I would love to hear from you about any questions you might have about the college search process at Mason. Go Patriots!

Image courtesy of Ron Cogswell

School information

George Mason University

Fairfax, VA

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