Recorded CollegeVine Livestreams

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Recorded livestreams

Extracurriculars 101

Open advising hours with Yesh

How to get into an Ivy

How to find scholarships

Live essay review with Alex

Indiana University Student Panel

Live profile review with Shravya

Live profile review with Yesh

How to get an internship

How to study for the SAT

Financial aid 101

A day in the life at Harvard

Level up: mental health

Yesh rates top BS/MD programs

Meet my major: history

How to choose your AP classes

Live essay review with Alex

Live essay review with Robert

A day in the life at Cornell

Live profile review with Alex

Writer’s Workshop with Elias

How to self-study for the ACT

Open advising hours with Elias

How to write the diversity essay

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Have an idea for a new livestream? Let us know!