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4 years ago
Admissions Advice

No Extracurricular till the 12th grade!

Hello i am from Algeria currently at the 12th grade , i am interested in applying to Harvard university and other ivy leagues. i live in a small town where we don't have any sorts of extracurriculars or clubs or any volunteering work in my high school even in the big cities there only few clubs . so we study only three years in high school should i also submit my 9th grade test scores ? also i was a volunteer tutor i was only tutoring some of the kids who live in this small town and also was taking care of my two young siblings. i was taking care of my disabled grandma . those everything that i was doing in my first two years at high school now when i am a 12th grade student and due to the coronavirus some of the organizations are offering remote activities worldwide so i got positions like being a member in the project and curriculum development team in a stem organization . i am participating in a medical program , i also stared my initiative which is a multimedia platform dedicated to spark interest in Astronomy and i have members from all over the world, i am also a marketing intern in a company, an outreach intern in a neuroscience related organization and i recently got an award ,i also got two executive positions in other two organizations , i am a mentee in a medical program, and a member in an association related to Astronomy where i am making podcasts. I applied to an other executive position which i am sure i can get . so what do you think about my remote extracurriculars also should i do something else? and by the way there's no way to do any activity in my town despite what am doing remotely! will Harvard understand that my situation is different?

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4 years ago

I love how you asked this question. Yes Harvard will take into consideration your situation and I think that will greatly help you and you have been doing a lot of extracurriculars and I am proud of you. By the sounds of it you have a leadership role in a lot of those and that will definitely help you get into any college. I don't think you have to do anything else because even if your situation was different you still do a lot more than most students your age. Keep up the good work. :)

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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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