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5 years ago
Admissions Advice

Does applying to a test-optional school decrease chances of being admitted?

Hi, I am a junior in high school and I am unsure if I will be able to take the SAT another time to receive a better score(I hope that I can!). My grades are okay and I have a lot of extracurriculars. I was hoping that the SAT would help me out. If I am not able to take the SAT will I be at a disadvantage compared to other students?


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4 answers

5 years ago

I wouldn't be too worried. All the colleges are aware there's been cancellations and complications with standardized testing this year and they'll have to take that into account because I'm sure there are a LOT of kids in the same boat. (I was supposed to retake the ACT tomorrow...) I'd expect to see a lot more schools going test-optional because of this or at least giving applicants the opportunity to explain why they might not have been able to take tests or get scores/submit scores later in the admissions process. While having a good score when applying would probably put you at an advantage and you should definitely try to take the SAT or ACT again if you can, you shouldn't be penalized for something that's obviously out of your control.

5 years ago[edited]

If you take the SAT and improve that will help you but some schools are test optional I know UOregon just went test optional but also if you have the ACT as well and are happy with that grade you can submit both or just ACT im not sure but its worth looking into

5 years ago

YES. It is very important for you to take the SAT test as it will be a requirement in almost all your admission prerequisites , but whether you take it now or later is up to you, though I recommend you take it during or after senior year to improve your chances and validity of the test.Hope this helps

5 years ago

Are you talking about test-optional schools only? If so, no, your chances won't be decreased just because you didn't take the SAT. However, if you don't send in any SAT scores they will look at the rest of your profile with more weight. So you'd want to improve your grades to be more than okay and it sounds like you're in a good spot with your ECs. However, I'd imagine you will be able to take the test at least one more time this fall and hopefully increase your chances. Use this time to study!!

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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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