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4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Regular highschool-> homeschool/GED ??

So basically I’m an international student from east Asia who’s been here for about three years now(sorry if there are some grammar mistakes) My grades are just okay i guess just regular student, taking some APs that are possible at my school, and have leaderships such as student gov and etc. my problem is not about the grades y’all. It’s about people. I go to southern rural christian school, and let me just say that I’m having a really difficult time these days because of hate asian thing going on. I am even thinking to change to online academy or homeschool or even more, going back to my home country. Do y’all think if I change from regular christian school to homeschool/online school/going back to my country at my junior year, will it effect my admission process? I plan to go to American university(rigorous ones) or to UK. Also, if I go back to my home country, I plan to take GED ASAP and just prepare for my art portfolio and doing business(soap company). What do you guys think??


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2 answers

4 years ago

Well, I homeschool, so I'll explain that. I've gone to public school in the past but decided that homeschool is the best for me. As long as you fulfill your state's graduation requirements and whatever requirements your preferred college or university has, homeschool offers a lot of freedom. You can pick your classes and schedule. And as long as you apply yourself and keep your grades up (same as any other education), it doesn't really affect the admissions process. Some colleges/universities have additional requirements for homeschool students, but they're usually only about transcripts and test scores.

4 years ago

Mental health is a super important issue. If you're not comfortable at your current school it's going to have ripple effects on your performance and I would imagine on your willingness to participate in ECs (which rigorous US schools will want to see). If you think switching to homeschooling or enrolling in an online school will help you feel more comfortable and more engaged then I say go for it.

Both homeschooling and online schools are things colleges have dealt with a bunch. After this past year it wouldn't surprise me if online schools became more popular considering how many students have now experienced it. Typically with college applications you also have chances to explain any major changes during your time in high school. I, personally, see nothing wrong with you changing schools and I think most colleges will be understanding of your reasoning. Just make sure if you do make the switch you still maintain or improve your grades. And make sure you stay involved with ECs as best as you can.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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