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4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Psychology jobs where you don’t talk to people...

I’m very interested in the Psychology field. Everything about it fascinates me (Clinical and Neuropsychology to be precise).

The problem is... I’m not very keen about talking to people. It’s not one of my great qualities nor do I enjoy it.

This may be odd considering that Psychology deals with people...

But if you know any majors/jobs like this that doesn’t deal with talking to people, please let me know! I love the studying of the brain though and diagnoses of diseases...

Thank you :)


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2 answers

Accepted Answer
4 years ago

In all honesty, communication is a necessity for success in any field at any level. It’s just imperative. However, there are psychology jobs that have relatively minimal communications as compared to others in the field. But as friendly advice, you must absolutely work on becoming the best communicator you can be—doesn’t mean you have to be a “people-person”—but life will inquire that you are able to hold formal discussions either with client/patient or with co-worker/team.

To answer your question, we must briefly derive the meaning of psychology. It is, of course, the study of the human mind and human BEHAVIOR—which would suggest that human interaction in any part of the field is going to be significantly higher than that of another separate career field.

First (1) there are counseling-clinical psychologists, which we can immediately eliminate as they communicate a lot.

(2) there are neuropsychologists, who study brain-behavior interaction, especially in psychological disorders.

(3) there are research psychologists (PhD) who conduct experimental analysis on human behavior in attempts to explain certain phenomena.

(4) there are industrial/organizational psychologists, who study behavior in the workplace, which we could prob. eliminate too.

(5) there is forensic psychology, which is where you’ll study criminals and their behavior so as to derive their motive, etc.

These professions are all highly respected for their social work. This career field largely resides on the subject of human mind and behavior and, thus, human interaction in some regard is necessary. Out of all psychology specialties, any field OTHER THAN clinical counseling would be relatively suitable for you at the very least.

If you don’t want to leave the topic of brain and mind, then perhaps it’d be ideal for you to choose neurology (MD), which would require medical school and that, too, involves a necessity for communication. It all depends on how your mentality matures and forms in the open world. It is perhaps too early for high schoolers to think about what they want to do the rest of their life specifically, as some would argue, but it is never too early to establish your strong suits and your weaknesses that associate with what you’d think you’d enjoy. Hope this helps somewhat and good luck!

2 years ago[edited]

Hi. Good topic. Yes, I agree, the work of online therapists is one of the most difficult. You can imagine how difficult it is to read each individual personality, make sense of it all, and still help the person out of the hole. And if a psychologist is also an empath, he takes this negativity on himself and can probably fall ill with depression himself, I don't even know how psychologists cope. At one time I went to such sessions and they helped me. Thanks to the professionals.

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