I checked the Ivy league schools and all of them cost money so I was wondering if there are any colleges out there that provide free programs for high school juniors?
I believe Notre Dame’s leadership summer academies are free except for the application fee.
Carnegie Mellon has a few free ones from their list of options.
MIT Mites is free but intended for URMs I believe. (Canceled for this year)
There are others of you did deeper.
However, deadlines have passed for this summer. Most of them tend to have Jan-Mar deadlines.
There definitely is a summer program for certain schools, but I believe it's highly competitive and most colleges look for academically intelligent students to take the spot for summer programs. I also believe that for some summer programs you have to be junior or above. I am pretty sure the date has passed, but you can still look on the website of the university you want a summer program from or chat with them to figure out more info. Hope this helps!
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I signed my son up for the U Michigan Math and Science Scholars program. It’s not free but at $1000 for a 3-week virtual session, I thought it was a reasonable price for him to dive deeper into math and see if it was something that truly interested him to major in college. I think they are still accepting applications. From what little I could gather online it seems to have around a 50% acceptance rate.