3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Class of 2022 (or others), where do you want to go to college?

Hi guys! This is just a discussion for fun, nothing too serious. Tell me about your dream school / why you wanna go there! Other grades can participate too, just wanted to aim this discussion at class of 2022 considering college app season is upon us.

You can earn an 🚀 Above and Beyond award if the original poster thinks your reply takes the conversation to the next level!
3 years ago

Hello! I'm class of 2024, so it is going to be a bit until I start the application process, but my dream school has been Harvard since I was in fifth grade. However, I'm fortunate enough to be in-state for several wonderful schools that I will be applying to. This is just a rough list of college possibilities:

- University of Washington (Seattle campus): It is local, a safety school, great area, good programs, my (or one of) safety school.

- Johns Hopkins: Great for health sciences majors, prestige, I like the area/weather.

- Harvard: Everything about it, especially the campus :)

- Oxford: I love the UK, traveled to Oxford (loved it), even might do a summer program in my junior year.

- UC Berkeley and UCLA: I hate California weather, so this probably may not happen, but I would go strictly for the academics.

- NYU: Amazing weather, interesting location, (mainly just another target school).

- Boston University and maybe Boston College: I love the area and campus as well as academics.

- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute: My dad went there, so I would just apply to apply.

- Northeastern: Snow!! Great campus (mainly just another target school).

- UPENN: Definitely my second favorite school. My favorite campus, weather, area, dorms, programs, credit, prestige. It has everything.

- Cornell, Brown, Yale: Really just going to apply to apply.

3 years ago

personal opinion: don't apply to apply unless you actually want to go or if you have free applications cause those 3 applications will cost a pretty penny. It's also just more work and why LOL it does depend on the person but I think some people build college lists like shopping carts and then realize later that it's actually kind of a lot of effort :(

good luck and keep us updated!

3 years ago[edited]

@ab2004 Thank you! I'll definitely keep that in mind. Since I'm only a freshman, I am going to have plenty of time to narrow down my choices. These are just colleges that, after some research, caught my eye. 😊

3 years ago



3 years ago

Hey guys! I'm also in class of 2022. My dream school has always been University of Oxford.

Why that school?

I chose that school because their aim is to bring out the best quality in you. And I also want to make my parents proud by studying so hard to fulfill my dreams. We all want to make our parents proud, so I wish you all the best.


3 years ago

I am class of 2022 and I want to attend Yale in New Haven Connecticut.


“Shopping period”

Residential living

Has my prospective major (political science) and and emphasis I could ever choose

Has a master in 5 plan

I can dual major

Accepts some of my AP credit

The Whiffenpoofs (I have dreamed of being one since I was a kid)

Grants to political science interns

So many connections in my dream career

A million more reasons, so I literally couldn’t imagine attending any other university.

I’m going to apply early and hope I get accepted.

3 years ago

dang good for you for having such enthusiasm for a school!!

3 years ago

also i know this is your dream school but just remember that you would thrive in a multitude of universities, not just yale :) whether you get in or not, you will do amazing

3 years ago

Thank you!


3 years ago

I'm class of 23, and recently I've been eying Virginia Tech. It specializes in basically everything I'm considering majoring in such as agriculture, or something engineering related etc. I also really like the vibe it seems to give off. I haven't visited the campus though so what I'm currently perceiving may be inaccurate, but I have hopes. Also being in state, it's not that expensive. Really looking forward to visiting this place!


3 years ago

Howard University


3 years ago

hiii my dream school is UChicago (although it's so so so expensive :(...) because 1. the campus! 2. it doesn't divide students into colleges like UPenn (for example) does! 3. the combination of econ+data science is UChicago's strength I guess. I'm also into humanitarian courses a lot so it's a win-win situation haha

3 years ago

I'm really curious, why does having students split into colleges (like Cornell) seem like a downside to you?

3 years ago

the flexibility to change majors i guess. i'm really unsure what I want to major in.

3 years ago

My father lives in Chicago and wants me to go there actually, but I heard its was to bougie and expensive :( but I wish you the best of luck on your journey

3 years ago

didn't end up applying haha! uchicago stopped being my dream school the summer before my senior year!


3 years ago

I’m class of 2023 but my dream school is Columbia!!!


3 years ago

Hey! Class of 2022 as well. Right now I'm thinking about more biomedical or applied sciences or at least something in STEM. My dream school is UNC Chapel Hill because of its great research program, especially for undergrads; it also has a great location and the size seems like a good fit for me. My other reaches are Georgia Tech and Wake Forest, and my target is University of Illinois. These are the only schools I feel like I really like and best fit the factors I'm looking for. I haven't done any in-person tours yet due to the pandemic so we'll see- if anyone has, drop a comment: where you went, what it was like, thoughts!

3 years ago

UNC is my dream school as well. Their business program is just amazing. The campus and environment is perfect.


3 years ago

Class of '22 here, and I've wanted to attend UCLA since elementary school. It is close to home, has great weather, a beautiful campus excellent professors, in the city, and a ton of people I know go there. I doubt I will get in but I'm trying!

3 years ago

I'm a major simp for UCLA also! I've been wanting to go ever since I did a summer program there. What major are you thinking of applying for?

3 years ago

I honestly have no clue. Maybe something to do with humanities, teaching, or global communications. What about you?

3 years ago

That sounds really cool! I'm thinking of going into some branch of engineering.

3 years ago

Omg that's super hard, good luck!! How long have you liked UCLA?

3 years ago

I think maybe ~3 years now? I did a couple of tours before but I really liked it once I stayed there.


3 years ago

I'm class of 2024 so I got a few years but I want to go to:

Boston University

Brown University

Dartmouth College

Harvard University

Tufts University

University of Vermont

Yale University

Quinnipac University


3 years ago

I am class of 2024, but here is my list:

- Cornell- really great for science and pre med. Also beautiful campus and snow.

- Georgetown - values, great school, and no sorority competitiveness

- Uni of Florida- Fave target school. Warm, has zoology major, and high on the list for happiest schools. School spirit.

- UCSB- great research school, nice campus

- UVM- one of the best public ivies and has zoology major

those are my top choices

3 years ago

hey this is super interesting! I was accepted to Cornell and am doing pre-med but I didn't think they were particularly good for it (as opposed to, say, Rice). Are you doing premed?

3 years ago

I want to be a vet.

3 years ago

oh... I mean Cornell's a great school for pre-vet; I was just confused why pre-med was on there ('specially since some have told me that Cornell isn't the greatest place for pre-med due to competition). also, is pre-vet part of the reason you want a zoology major?


3 years ago

Reed college


3 years ago

here as a class of 2021 student but some of y'all real ambitious LMAO especially the class of 2024! doesn't mean y'all aren't valid, I just think it's funny cause the next 3 years of high school will be quite a trip

3 years ago


3 years ago[edited]

mm it's just funny they're making so many plans as freshmen knowing that their next 3 years in hs could turn out a lot of different ways. Some responders cited financial concerns, weather concerns etc. but no one was concerned they wouldn't be able to get in LOL

3 years ago[edited]

as the class of 22, i would say it is totally understandable that current freshman and sophomore classes are under a lot of pressure and are doing A LOT of planning! I actually regret not doing more research/starting this prep early when I was a sophomore haha! why do they have to concern if they'll get in tho? unpredictable results don't mean they should just wait till it ends right. haha. this process is a gamble after all, ambition is an amazing thing and motivation!

3 years ago[edited]

yeah of course! ambition's not a bad thing, planning's not a bad thing either. I'm not saying these things are bad, I'm just saying I find it kinda amusing as of now. same way I feel when a freshman complains to me about struggling in geometry LOL i mean their struggles are valid, it's just that perspectives shift with time. What freshman doesn't want to go to Harvard or Princeton or something? yet a lot of them don't end up applying when the time comes. Again, not saying having goals is a bad thing, but some of these college lists sound like post-acceptance pro/con lists. i don't know if that makes sense... like obviously you have to choose where you're going to apply, but you also have to know that as an applicant, it's not up to your luxury to pick and choose where you're going until you actually get in. just something to keep closely in mind. some students tend to build college lists like shopping lists (or wishlists) and imo that's not sustainable. knowing where you stand now is great; just know that in 3 years, you may very well have a different mindset.


3 years ago

Hey guys! I'm class of '22. I've got a lot of "dream schools" mainly because I can't pick or they're expensive XD I'm getting a bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice and minoring in Spanish to be a police officer.

- Boston College

- George Mason University

- Any UNC college

- Villanova

- Liberty University

- Northeastern University

- Regent University

I'm pretty sure these all have accredited criminal justice programs and nice campuses, so I'd take any, but I'll probably end up at UNC Pembroke. I miss living in New England, the snow is so pretty! Sucky to shovel though lol


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