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4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Should i stay at my magnet school or should i go to the new school opening near me?

Hi so i really need some advise lol. I’m currently a sophomore at a magnet school that’s 15 min away from me. I’m in the CIS magnet program and i’m in Medical Academy. I’m taking a few AP classes and will take 6 next year. I’m not that involved in the school (not in any sports and only in one club). There’s a new public school opening very close to me, 2 min away. There’s some cool programs like the cambridge diploma program but not Medical Academy. If i decide to go, I will take the same amount of AP classes but I feel like i will feel more involved and might do a sport. The new school will be open next school year, so i’ll be a junior. It’s a pretty cool location right in front of so many shops and restaurants. However, my current high school is also a kinda cool location, in front of Universal. Most of my friends are going to the new school and only a few are staying. I feel like if i stay, colleges will like me more because I’m in a magnet and Medical Academy. But if i go i feel like not as much because I transferred halfway and i won’t be in any program. Also, i feel like staying is better for my future but going to the new school is more of a fun experience (i like meeting new ppl). I don’t know what to do and i really need any help i can get.

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
4 years ago

Really the only thing I believe will hurt your college admission chances is dropping the Medical Academy program, but if you're replacing this by getting more involved with the school a new sport, I don't think it'll be an issue unless you're trying to major in pre-med or something. Other than that, it's really up to you personally! My advice would be to really ask yourself how important this Medical Academy program is, and how you plan on replacing it if you go to the new school.

4 years ago[edited]

I personally would suggest you to stay back because if you feel your present school will help you to get into good colleges in future then stuck to it,prioritize your happy future over your fun life that can be given in that new school and the rest choice is yours.

4 years ago

Hey Sara! I personally think that if you want to go to that new school, go for it! On the thought of what college admission's will think, since your coursework load is the same, it shouldn't look like your running away from rigor, which is good! Overall, I think it will be better for you because since it is a brand new school, you can make a new club, be more involved, and even get leadership positions! Anywho, I think that if you transfer then the college admissions would be even more impressed that you led initiative to be so involved.

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