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4 years ago
Admissions Advice

type of classes

Which is better??

AP classes
Honor Classes
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4 years ago

It really depends!!

For academics, AP classes are more prestigious, as they are generally at least 2 grades above the grade level, whereas honor classes are around 2 grade above. Additionally, AP classes give you a max weighted GPA of 5.0 and honors classes give you a max of 4.5.

So are AP classes always "better"? No!

If you think that you will struggle in an AP class, then it is okay to take the honors class. You can always switch up later (assuming you are not a senior). However, note that college admissions officers generally (I repeat, generally) prefer to see a B on an AP class instead of an A on an on grade or honors class. It shows that you are challenging yourself!

Also, the difficulty between different AP classes and really varies. Do you have a specific course you want to take? I can tell you how difficult it was for me, and compared to the other AP classes!

🎤4 years ago

This Fall I will be a junior, and Im so far going to be taking next year AP Bio, chemistry, algebra 2, English 3 , US history 2. AP bio is the only AP class that I will be taking because of some problems with the teachers but yea. also I might take foods 1. and also can you tell me is the test hard or not??

4 years ago

Your course load looks solid!

I would say the AP biology is probably one of the middle ground AP classes. I took it this year, and the course is very doable: if you put in the work. It is pretty time consuming. The one thing I would recommend is having taken an introductory biology class. Have you taken a class like that? (I took one in my freshman year, and it helps provide a solid foundation.) If you have taken one of these, I would say go for it!

Otherwise, there are still a few considerations to make. If you have teachers problems, I might encourage you to take AP bio. I had a bad teacher as a sophomore as well, and they really can mess up your grades, unfortunately. Although my experience was pretty extreme, I say to just keep it in consideration.

AP bio is a class where taking notes will really help you. I take digital notes, and they are SO HELPFUL for the AP test. People often forget topics from the beginning of the year as they go to take AP bio, so make sure to have some type of notetaking system or method to know what to review. Still, if you know your stuff, the test isn't TOO bad. However, it is one of the medium tests, in my experience. However, only around 9% of people score a 5. 69.1% of people get a 3 or higher.

So if you feel like you are willing to put in the effort, you can definitely do it! Keep in mind you don't HAVE to take the AP test if you do the course either :). Let me know if you have any more questions.

🎤4 years ago

yes this year I took basic biology and last year environmental science. And the problem with my teachers its because im Palestinian and im Muslim. Mainly I wear the Hijab so they are racist.

4 years ago

Oh I'm so sorry to hear that! Since you did take basic biology, I would say go for it!! As long as you take good notes, I think you'll do fine :)


4 years ago

Keep in mind that lots of high schools will require you to first be in honors to be eligible to take AP classes the year after.

🎤4 years ago

yea but my school doesn't because I never took an honor class and next year I will be taking AP bio

4 years ago

That's great then. I wanted to take AP bio but my school switches the AP sciences classes yearly so I will take AP environmental science.


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