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4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Can I state my German language classes which I did for 3 years in middle school in extra curricular?

I did German language classes in grade 6,7,8, for which I have a certificate too. So can I list that on my college application as an extra curricular? And yeah I got 'High distinction in English' in International benchmark test, but that too in mid school. So should I list that?

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
4 years ago

You can include that because you got a distinction. But that was still in middle school. It usually only counts if you had accomplished that in high school. You should see if you can do something of a similar caliber in high school, depending on how much time you've got left. Usually, middle school accomplishments don't count, but because this sounds like a greater accomplishment, I think it may. I'm no academic counselor, but I don't think you'll particularly get credit for it. However, you should see one to ask what this accomplishment's worth and whether you should include that in your college application. You might be able to figure out a way to get credit fir it, but I'm not familiar with this. Perhaps you can retake the high school level international test.

4 years ago[edited]

I can't say for sure because I'm not like a college counselor or anything but I wouldn't write that in the application. The specific reason being it happened during middle school and college applications only care about what happened during high school. What you could do is talk about the certificate. I don't know what exactly the certificate is but if it proves your fluency you could include that. Or if you learning German during middle school had a huge effect on you talk about that in one of your essays. Or include it on any application that tells you to include whatever language you're fluent out or whatever language you took in high school.

4 years ago

It won't account for as much as it would have if you had done it in high school, but you can list it as a skill in your resume as bilingual or so forth. Then to prove that you can say I passed a university exam. Other than that, I don't think it can count for much else unless you do something else with it, like start a German language club at your school or something.

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