4 years ago
Admissions Advice

What things need to be done to get into Harvard University?

Hi, I am from India and I want to get into Harvard University. However I didn't took any special classes because my school didn't provide one they teach 6 subject to everyone in the school and I have not done any AP classes.Didn't took my sats or acts. I am in tenth grade and didn't got my ninth grade result because of covid-19 . My teacher told me I passed the 9th grade and promoted to 10th. I need help to get into Harvard University. I really want to.

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3 answers

4 years ago

Harvard will require you to take the following courses before you apply. I copied them from their website:

There is no single academic path we expect all students to follow, but the strongest applicants take the most rigorous secondary school curricula available to them. An ideal four-year preparatory program includes four years of English, with extensive practice in writing; four years of math; four years of science: biology, chemistry, physics, and an advanced course in one of these subjects; three years of history, including American and European history; and four years of one foreign language. The average grades for successful applicants are getting all As for all 4 years of high school so if you don't have perfect grades, strive to get perfect grades in all these subjects okay.

Although there is no current requirement to take Standardized tests for the Class of 2025, since you are going to be the Class of 2027, I would highly recommend that you start studying now for the SAT or ACT and make sure you know at least 2 subjects really well like Math or Biology so you can take 2 SAT Subject tests. Since your HS does not offer AP classes, don't worry about that. You can start your SAT lessons for free by registering on Khan Academy which is tied with College Board the makers of the SAT. Do this as much as you can in your free time so you get better and understanding the test and how to answer the questions.

You will also need some great extracurricular activities so think about what you can do between now and 2 years from now when you apply to show that you are a deserving candidate. The minor thing is getting great recommendations from teachers and counselors but if you are doing everything right you will get great recommendations.

96% of all applicants from all over the world get rejected so if you really want to go, you have to be better than 96% of everyone applying. Good luck with your academic journey.

4 years ago

I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, but you have like 0.1% chance of getting into Harvard. Please consider more reasonable goals. Getting into Harvard from India is extremely competitive andy by now if you wanted to do that you should have already taken AP/IB classes and started extracurriculars.

4 years ago

I would suggest striving to get very good grades and trying to be one of the top students in your school if that is possible. Since you did not give us much information about your grades or extracurriculars, it is difficult for me to answer this question thoroughly. Just try your best and work hard to do well in school! Try to volunteer and find what you are passionate about. If you tell me about your interests, I could try to help give you ideas on how to further develop your extracurriculars. Does your school have clubs? If they do, find ones that interest you and try to become team captain or at least have leadership positions in them. I hope this helped.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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