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5 years ago
Admissions Advice

When should I test as a rising Junior?

I was signed up for the June SAT. Now I am trying to decide between the July ACT, August SAT, or September SAT. I won't register for any until it is clear whether testing will occur, but I would like to figure out a study schedule. I would prefer to test before the spring, so I can adequately prepare for AP exams.

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
5 years ago

I would recommend trying to take one as early as possible near the beginning of the school year to see where you stand and what you need to work on. Then wait as the year progresses and take another one in March or May near the end of you junior year. Then work really hard to really fix where you are falling behind, then one or two more times senior year.

5 years ago

if you're a rising junior and would be applying to schools in fall 2021 (so a year and a half from now), i would wait. we have no idea what those fall exams are going to look like right now, and there's a possibility that they could end up being cancelled or postponed as well. we also have no idea if this is going to make SATs and tests in general less important for colleges—a bunch of schools are going test optional for at least next year, and those policies could definitely stick into the future if they find other ways to assess whether students are academically ready for school (like looking more heavily at GPA). if you're measured and consistent with your preparation, taking the SAT next March or May shouldn't interfere too much with prepping for AP exams, and I would just try and study consistently, maybe like a practice test every week or every two weeks until we know what the future is going to look like.

5 years ago

Since you re a junior try to take one of them early. I would suggest taking the August SAT so you have another chance to improve your score.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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