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4 years ago
Admissions Advice

I heard that extracurriculars play an important role in application process. So, please suggest few

I'm currently in my 11th grade and wanted to go abroad for my undergrad degree related to biology major.


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3 answers

Accepted Answer
4 years ago

The best thing to do would be to focus on what YOU want to do and just do it until it's impressive.

An admission officer is much more likely to be impressed if you have a national recognition award in a specific field rather than having 6-7 different ECs which you participated in for a few days. Now, this doesn't mean you shouldn't try out new things. What I'm simply trying to convey is that-

Quality>>>>>> Quantity when it comes to EC's.

If you aspire to major in CompSci then you should probably start coding and developing your GitHub while trying to develop new apps and participating in various coding competitions and Olympiads. If you want to major in something like 'educational studies' then you should probably work on teaching (volunteer or part time job) and just working in the educational sector and try to achieve something 'big' in that field.

Make sure to explore your options and chose your EC's wisely.

Finally, don't chose an EC just because you think it'll impress colleges. Make sure you're interested in what you're doing.

4 years ago

Hey! I would suggest doing something either related to the major you plan to do, or something that just interests you, like a hobby. For example, if you like soccer you could join a team, in-school or otherwise. You can also intern at a workplace closely related to your desired major. Anything related to music, art, sports etc. could be a nice boost for your application.

4 years ago

Also, clubs that align with your interests are also beneficial as well as the general sports and music extracurriculars. Maybe there's a science club where you are? Anything that correlates to the career you want to be in will definitely look good on an application, but don't stress about doing too much. Sometimes they don't look at extracurricular very closely, but more is better than none. Good luck!

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