3 years ago
Admissions Advice

What are some things you shouldn't ask an Admission Counselor of a college?

I have tons of questions I want to ask Admission Counselors of colleges but I'm not sure if I should (Stuff like average GPA of the college, What they are looking for in a college application, how much aid they are planning to give out to international students this year, average qualifications [just a ballpark estimate] of international students they accept who need a huge aid, etc.)

What are some questions I should NOT ask Admission Counselors?

Edit: Yes, I know asking questions that can be found on the internet will give a very bad impression. The questions I have in mind (including the ones I mentioned above) are questions whose answers are not on the internet.


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4 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

I know some people who gave their 'stats' to their AOs and asked them to 'chance-me'.

Avoid that at any cost.

As others have said, ask things which will give you insight about if the school will be a good fit for you. Don't ask them too many questions or email too frequently. They might get annoyed.

Just keep it respectful and short. You can ask them what GPA they expect prospective students to have but don't try to dig in too much.

3 years ago

I think you shouldn't ask any obvious questions that could be answered by a quick Google search. This shows them that you haven't really taken that much time on their website. But thoroughly reading at least a few sections of the college website, and then asking a specific question about something you saw that confused you shows that you are interested and have already done research ahead of time. And this is exactly the right kind of impression you want to make.

3 years ago

Many of those questions you could find answers to online. I would suggest trying to find answers to those questions before you talk to an admissions counselor so you can use the time you have efficiently. For questions about average GPA and SAT/ACT scores, PrepScholar has great information on that!

Also, if you need financial aid, I would suggest finding scholarships you could apply for from independent organizations.

3 years ago

Hey @unior! As some of your peers mentioned, asking questions that are easily found online may not be the best approach here. Specific questions or questions that can offer some insight on whether that particular school is a good fit for you are great options!

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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