3 years ago
Admissions Advice

College Application List


I am finalizing my application list and am worried it may be too ambitious. I have a 1550 SAT, 42/42 IB score (grade 11, 3HL, 3SL courses) with international level sport participation in cricket (Non NCAA sport). I am also chair of couple of social efforts at my school (International school in Singapore). My 3 HL courses are Maths, Physics, Comp Science

I am interested in a balanced Liberal Arts kind of education with either Data Analytics /Management of Information Systems/Computer Science focus.

Here is my list;

1. Stanford

2. Princeton

3. Harvey Mudd

4. Carnegie Melon

5. Cornell

6. UC - Berkeley, LA, Davis, S. Diego, S. Barbara, Irvine

7. Georgia Tech

8. NYU

9. Purdue

10. U of Washington at Seattle

Any thoughts or feedback would be appreciated

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6 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

Have you tried College Vine's Chancing feature?

Personally, I think you would seem like a good fit for those schools, but I haven't really looked into any of those schools too closely.

3 years ago

Of the top of my head, I'd only apply to UCLA, UC Berkeley, the other 4 UCs not so much. Also, I'd skip Purdue, NYU, U of Wash, or maybe pick one of them as a safety.

These are the schools I'd pick for you,

Stanford, UC Berkeley, UCLA, Harvey Mudd, Pomona, CMC, Cornell, MIT, Columbia Engineering, UPenn, Duke, Rice, CMU, Georgia Tech, Williams, Amherst, Swarthmore, UT Austin, UMichigan, NorthWestern, UChicago.

Why not? you have a perfect IB diploma score and 99% percentile SAT score. I don't know what the rest of your file looks like but why not? Also, doesn't it make sense to apply to couple UK or Canadian schools as well like U of Toronto, McGill, Oxford, Cambridge and Univ of London, Univ of Edinburgh, Imperial College?

Good Luck.

3 years ago

Stanford, Princeton, Harvey Mudd, Carnegie Mellon, Cornell, and UC Berkeley are high reach for almost everyone but I still think you should apply. I don't think your international participation in Cricket will help you a lot (I mean, it will help you. Just not as much as some other sport like international recognition in football will). Your scores look stellar but you didn't really list your 9th and 10th-grade scores. I will assume they are good too. If they are, you qualify for every college in terms of academics (assuming you have taken a challenging course).

From the limited info you have given me, I'd say that you don't have comparable ECs to the colleges you listed above. But that's me guessing from the limited info you have given.

Finally, are you being too ambitious? Well, I think you should definitely add a few safety schools but besides that, I think you have a good school list.

I'll advise you to submit your profile for the next live stream which will be hosted by Shravya. Click this link to check it out-


Fill out the form and she'll be able to give you insights about your school list more than anyone can from the limited info you have submitted.

Hope this helps!

3 years ago

If you are nervous about whether or not your list may be too ambitious, I would suggest adding a safety school or two so that you know that even if you don't get accepted (not saying you won't!) into your targeted schools you know that you have back up options.

3 years ago

First of all, your stats are great! You are doing amazing, and you will definitely get into some great schools. As for your lost, I would say that Stanford, Princeton, Harvey Mudd, Carnegie Mellon, Cornell, and UC Berkeley are all huge reach schools. Cutting those down is hard, but definitely necessary! You should probably stick to 3-4 reach schools. I would recommend going to webinars with admissions representatives and doing campus tours (virtual or in person).

NYU, the UCs, UW Seattle, and Georgia Tech are all targets so I think you are good in that category.

As for safeties, I only see Purdue. Try looking into other schools with strong liberal arts programs with majors you are interested in.

Overall, I would keep in mind that every school you apply to, you should be genuinely happy going there! Look at programs offered in Data Analytics and such, but don’t apply to a school you don’t absolutely love!

I hope this helps :)

3 years ago

This profile is not too ambitious. You put in so much effort and have a good score, and done plenty, if not more, of extracurricular activities which will furthermore increase your chances of getting into your dream colleges. Colleges will look at your resumé or application and will love you.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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