3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Tell us a story of a problem you solved in school/college/neighbourhood/society using creativity and why you are proud o

Please someone tell me how to write this essay "Tell us a story of a problem you solved in school/college/neighbourhood/society using creativity and why you are proud of it"

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2 answers

3 years ago

I don't think you're going to get an answer for this because no one can tell you how to write this essay. People can provide general tips and tricks but the only way to actually answer the question properly is by writing something that happened to you. If there isn't a problem you've solved using creativity that you're proud about it might make sense to pick a different essay prompt (unless this one is mandatory).

Maybe this article will help: https://blog.collegevine.com/overcoming-challenges-college-essay-examples/

3 years ago

This is essay is personal only to you. You need to think about what in your life would work for this prompt. Just think back at random moments in your life where certain events happened. We personally cannot tell you how to write this because only you have experienced certain things in your life.

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