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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

How do institutions review 'suspicious' recommendation letters?

My teacher did not have an email so I created one for him yesterday. It's a Gmail account. I was trying to apply to a pre-application program and had to submit a LOR. There, it was written-

"Use your recommender's institutional or corporate email address. Submissions from anonymous email addresses (Gmail, Yahoo, etc.) may be subject to additional review".

How will they review it? Will that LOR be taken seriously?

Will the same happen in the Common App? I don't want to be bothering my recommenders especially since they are totally clueless about the US college admissions process.


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3 answers

3 years ago

I would explain that in the “Additional Information” section

3 years ago

What is a pre-application program? It would be useful to share what kind of program you are applying for to give some context to the readers of this post.

Nevertheless, it's never a good idea for anyone to create email addresses for their teachers. How would the college know that the recommendation came from your teacher if you created a gmail account. I know that on Common App, Coalition App, Questbridge etc, you have to have your teacher submit through a portal that they alone can access using their own credentials. This ensures that you don't get to see the letter of recommendation and guarantees it's not tampered with.

How is it possible that a teacher in 2021 doesn't have an email address?

3 years ago


If there is anyway for your teacher to get an email account that is linked to the school that will save you a lot of trouble.

If this is not possible, address this in additional information on your common app essay. It is likely that they will just call the teacher and confirm that the letter was sent my them. They may also call the school and ensure the teacher is in good standing with the school. I think the letters will be taken seriously once verification has been done but it might save time if there is any way to have them create an email linked to a school account. But yea it is likely that this will be the same issue on the common app.

Hope this helps.

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