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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Demonstrated Interest

Due to COVID-19, I have not physically visited any of the schools on my college list; however, I have been trying to attend virtual visits. I wanted to ask, are there any schools that would care about this? Is it necessary to visit(physically or virtually) all the colleges I am applying to?


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3 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

Demonstrated interest doesn't necessarily mean you have to visit the school in person. What it means is that you have taken advantage of the informational resources the college offers both online and/or in person. Colleges don't expect students from out of state to visit colleges necessarily but they expect them (if it matters to them) to sign up for informational sessions which are zoom calls with reps from the colleges.

You can demonstrate interest without physically visiting the school. ALSO, take advantage of Common Data Sets which will tell you whether the school you are applying to even cares about demonstrated interest.

I know for a fact that some top Ivys and Elites do not care about demonstrated interest because they have way too many people who want to apply to begin with.

Good luck.

3 years ago

Some colleges care because visiting the college shows that you're interested, but many don't. I believe you can search on google to find which schools realy care.👌🏾

3 years ago[edited]

Some colleges keep an extensive data base of every email you open, every link you click, every minute spent on their website, and especially your attendance at virtual events. Often you can ask the AO if they do. For one of my favorite college choices, I attend every single event they have and might even do repeats. Of course, you do the online interview too.

Others don't count that in admissions, other than the interview, although they might track all that for marketing.

I wonder about in-person visits especially in the case of relatively close schools where most people with an average amount of money would be able to get to because of proximity, but I can't get to because I don't have any money for that.

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