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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

What should I do about teacher recommendations if I've moved schools extremely frequently?

I've changed schools 4 times my high school career, and as a senior now I am realizing I don't have anyone to reach out for recommendations. I'm really lost on what to do, should I just apply to schools that don't need teacher recs?

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@abidall3 years ago

im actually in the same situation, i moved also 4 schools across states and I'm also a senior so I'm gonna give you what I'm trying out, personally I'm thinking back to which teacher I connected to the most in the STEM and humanities field from sophomore year and up,I emailed the two I picked that I felt knew me best and performed well in their class and emailed them explaining my situation and asking them for help in succeeding in college apps season, most teachers are more then willing to help

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

hey! this is so hard! i personally havent moved schools ever but ive had friends that have and ik its a hard and scary thing. i personally would reach out to any teachers you had a strong connection with over the course of your high school career, even if they are from your previous schools. I think that would be your best bet. Although their are schools that dont require letters of recs its a nice thing for the college to have to better understand you and your work! :) i hope this helps! good luck!

3 years ago

Adding onto what everyone said, I also really think you should put this in additional info. If you feel like your letters of rec may not be strong or not really show who you are as a student, tell the admissions counselors. In the additional info session write about how you haven't gotten a chance to connect with any teachers because you've moved around so much. Trust me, they will read it and it will really help you.

3 years ago

Personally I would ask all of your current teachers if they will write one for you and make sure to explain your situation to them. I would also apply to any schools you want to if you can get that letter. I wonder if you can ask teachers that you liked at your other schools? I would try to for sure if you want to apply to schools that need the letters.

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