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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Will my admissions counsler remember me?

I have two admission counselors/officers coming to visit my school tomorrow. Both are my target schools: Virginia Tech and William & Mary. My guidance teacher said she had signed me up for individual meetings with both of them.

Is this a way to help get my foot in the door? Will they remember me when I apply? I'm extremely nervous about it and don't want to mess up my chances.

Also, if they do, how should I make the best impression?


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2 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago[edited]

I completely disagree with the other respondent.

The best advice I can give you is to be genuine, use your own voice and talk about things that matter to you. There are no best or correct answers to meeting recruiting officers from colleges.

The worst thing you can do is have nothing interesting to say or talk about what a great student you are. If you are a "box checker" or someone that is a workaholic that has no time to enjoy life and the simple pleasures of reading books you enjoy, listening to music, trying a new baking recipe, or exploring a new interest, and are only concerned about being better than your peers with grades, test scores, ECs, essays, etc, they will feel sorry for you and you will not be someone they wish to advocate for.

But if you use your 15 minutes to talk about your passions and your quirky interests or how you are wearing the bracelet your 10-year-old brother made for you and how you will miss your family get-togethers if you go away to college because they treat dinner time is like a Presidential debate, they will remember you. They will not remember you if you say "Hi, I have a 4.3 WGPA and a 1450 SAT score and am the team captain of the tennis team and have been in DECA for 3 years and play the cello... BORRRRRRRRRRING...then you are just a number, nothing memorable.

Have something interesting to say to your college visitors. Do some research on current events and make sure you know what's going on at their schools. I caught up on W&M news and learned in 5 minutes that their college ranking went up today with the US News ranking at #38 primarily because of increased alumni giving. Also, I learned that W&M matriculated the first class of POSSE foundation cohorts so that means they are increasing their support for DEI issues and helping low-income marginalized HS students. And that they set up a special memorial for 9.11 at their Art Museum. There are probably another 3 for 4 important news stories as well.

The same goes for V.Tech. Maybe you can mention how they feel about losing Nikki Giovanni to Prarie A&M. Etc. etc.

If you take no risks on yourself, you will not be memorable.

Good luck.

3 years ago

To be honest, even if they remember you, this will not have any major impact on your application. all the impact will be from your GPA, ECs, your essays (How you will portrait yourself) and recommendations. Good luck

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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