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3 years ago
Admissions Advice


Hey, a scholarship that I'm applying for accepts students who got accepted in business administration. The scholarship listed the universities that students must get accepted from in order to be accepted to the scholarship. These universities does not have business administration major. Some of them have business management, but is business management the same as business administration? The others do not have either business administration nor business management; however, they have other business majors, such as management, human resources, Marketing, finance etc. My question is what falls under business administration that I can apply to to get accepted to the scholarship?

(The universities that the scholarship listed are Harvard, Stanford, Columbia University, Cornell University, Yale, University of chicago, New York University, Northwestern University, MIT, Duke University, University of pennsylvania)

(the degree is bachelor's)


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2 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

First of all, of the above universities, NYU, UPenn, Northwestern, and Columbia University do have business admin majors. Secondly, business management and business admin are not the same things. Business management is geared toward managing the people in a business, while business admin is focused on managing business operations. So you should look at the universities I listed for a business admin major. Good luck, hope this helps!

3 years ago

Hi, this is probably a question you want to ask the scholarship administrators if you can. They will be the ones who will actually determine if you get the scholarship so you should check with hem which majors from the schools listed they qualify as business administration or equivalent. I think all of these schools will have something relating to business for undergraduates, for example Cornell has the S.C. Johnson College of Business for undergrads but neither of the 2 majors housed in that college are straight business admin majors. So just double check with the scholarship since they listed those schools they must have majors in mind that qualify as equivalent to business admin at each.

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