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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Transferring Mid-Year

I'm a freshman in college and am really unhappy with the institution that I am at. I have applied to a different university as a transfer applicant. Unfortunately, I won't get an admissions decision until my fall transcript is sent from my current university. However, that won't be available to send until late December. In short, I won't be able to find out whether or not I was accepted to the new university until late December/early January either.

However, I would need to tell my current university that I'm leaving in early December. But, I feel weird about cutting ties with this university while being in the dark about whether or not I would get into the school I am trying to transfer to. If I didn't get in, I would be at a loss for what to do because I wouldn't be able to return here and it would be too late to apply for anywhere else in the spring.

I don't really have a specific question about this, but I need some advice. What do you think I should do? Should I talk to my advisor at my current university and see if they can send unofficial transcripts? I just don't want to commit to leaving without having a solid plan but my hands feel like they are tied. Any advice or insight would be greatly appreciated.

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2 answers

3 years ago

Well the best thing to do is to communicate with both universities simultaneously. Talk to a councellor at your current university and tell them about your situation and what can be done about it. They might agree to the unofficial transcript or you can get reports from your professors or give their information (with consent) to the new university so they can communicate about you and give them an idea about your academics. This will help in the decision making process since an official transcript will come too late.

Once again communication with both ends is key. Your current school might agree to keep you as a student if you don't get in, but this will only be possible if they're informed about the decision you're about to make.

Hopefully this helps.

3 years ago

Hi, thank you for asking your question. It looks like you are in a tricky situation! I would highly advise you reach out to your advisor for an immediate meeting to discuss the options that you laid out above. I would indicate what your application plans are and the intent to leave the university. Additionally, it makes sense to request an unofficial transcript, and maybe even your transfer school may have someone you can speak with regarding this situation -- I doubt you are alone in this obstacle.

I will also note that transfer applicants generally have a tougher time in the admissions processes, especially when applying to more selective schools, because of the smaller number of slots for transfer students in the incoming class. That being said, I would have a back up plan for if you do not get into your transfer school. These things are best discussed with your your current advisor.

Hope this helps!

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