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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Punctuation error on college app.

Hello, I need advice.

I submit my college essay and there was an accidental punctuation error such as this:

" .?I realized my voice was essential.."

All of my other sentences were grammatically correct, but there was this one error of a random question mark that I am unsure of how it got there. will this error decrease my overall chances? I am worried about this!

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@CosmiiicK3 years ago

I guess it really just depends on how well the rest of your essay is written.

[🎤 AUTHOR]@ilovefruitsnacks2233 years ago

@CosmiiicK the rest of my essay was pretty well written and had no grammatical errors. I did multiple revisions and checks over it.

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2 answers

2 years ago

It's understandable to feel worried about an error in your college essay, but try not to panic. While errors like this are not ideal, they are not uncommon, and admission officers are generally understanding when it comes to small mistakes.

It's unlikely that one punctuation error would significantly impact your overall chances of being accepted, especially if your essay is otherwise strong. However, to be on the safe side, you could consider reaching out to the college and explaining the situation. You could apologize for the error and ask if it's possible to submit a corrected version of your essay.

If the college does not allow for corrections or changes to submitted materials, don't worry too much. Just focus on the things you can control going forward, such as doing well in your classes and preparing for any necessary standardized tests. Remember that admission officers look at the whole package, not just one essay, so don't let this one mistake consume your thoughts.


Rachel Gomez

3 years ago

It will decrease your chances, but like by 0.05%. It's not like you have a ton of errors (I assume you proofread), so they know you put in the effort. And, if it's something like the common app, it's one character in like 2000, which is nothing. Plus, this will only be for one school as you can change it for the next ones. You'll be fine.

Hope that helps!

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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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