Filling out the NYU portion of the application and it asks if you have ever applied to NYU before, could be visiting or non-degree. If my daughter did an NYU summer program is the answer yes? She had to apply and audition. to be admitted to the summer program.
I think it would be appropriate to mention that however as a parent I would stress that typically attending summer programs at highly selective universities will have little or no bearing on the admissions decision and fall into the category of expressing interest in the institution rather than having a lot of weight.
Good luck.
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I’m not sure if she should say that she has previously applied to NYU for a non degree program. It’s a required yes or no question and i’m unsure if a high school summer program would count as applying to the school for a non degree program. Should she click yes? It’s less of a matter of impressing the school and more about making sure she has given NYU all the correct info in her application.