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5 years ago
Admissions Advice

Can I still get into Ivy League schools if I have a 3.7 unweighted Gpa but I am pretty strong everywhere else ?

I am a junior in high school and I had a rough first two years grade wise but I have been able to get my academics together and as long as I keep this up I will have a 3.7 unweighted . My dream is to make it to the Ivys and I am also being recruited for basketball there but I just wanted to know if I had a chance if getting in because my SAT was a 1560 and I have good extracurriculars.

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2 answers

5 years ago

Congrats on coming back after a rough first two years of high school. A lot of people struggle at different points in high school and it's great that you were able to pull through and improve your grades. As for the possibility of getting in to an Ivy with a 3.7, there isn't a straight forward answer. It really depends on a few different things. First, a 3.7 unweighted is still great and, depending on your demographic background, could still make you a competitive applicant for Ivy league. If you fill out all the profile information on CollegeVine chancing, it should give you a rough idea. Ivy schools are really competitive (low acceptance rates) to begin with, so don't get discouraged if your chances are still on the lower side.

It also depends on your athletic recruit standing and extracurriculars. You have really strong test score, which is great. If you are a talented basketball player and are seriously being recruited, that's a great sign. The coaches at Ivys won't seriously recruit someone unless they know they have a decent shot at getting accepted. So if playing basketball is definitely something you want to do, keep talking with coaches. You could even ask them what they think about your academic profile in terms of being accepted to their school - those conversations certainly need to happen between you and the coaches as you go into your senior year.

5 years ago

Depend heavily on if you are recruited for sports and extracurricular strength and also how well you interact with you applied colleges

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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