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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Volunteer Ideas

I'm trying to find places I can volunteer in my community but I'm having a hard time. I've emailed the nursing home in my town about it and I'm waiting on a response from them. Now I'm trying to brainstorm some other places for if that doesn't work out! I've also called the vet clinic in my town and they never got back to me so i'm going to assume that's a no :'(

Any ideas would be super helpful!!!

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3 years ago

Have you tried some food banks? They're a great place to volunteer. If you're 16+ most hospitals will take you for volunteering as well as shadowing if you're as lucky as me.


3 years ago

Churches are a great place for volunteering. They have so many opportunities and would be happy to have and help they can get! Sometimes they will need doctors or nurses for mission trips and volunteers for any event they have (cpr or nurse's station) also look at large preschools in the area. They will need help with safety and will probably let you help. You can also look at your city's events and almost always they will have jobs for teenagers to help with like nurse's station or etc. Hope this helps and sorry for messy grammar! Please accept if helpful or please comment any questions!


3 years ago

If you're open to opportunities outside of your community, there are a lot of things online! You can do a quick Google search for virtual volunteer opportunities for teens/students, and a bunch of things will pop up where you don't even need to leave the house to participate!


3 years ago

Because seniors are high risk for Covid, even if vaccinated, many nursing homes have not welcomed back student volunteers. Applications for hospital internships are coming to a close for an early 2022 start date. However some hospitals have rolling application dates. Apply no matter what. Hospitals get surges in demand for volunteers. Smaller free clinics that serve underserved community members also work with older high school volunteers. There is high demand for student volunteer tutors.

There are many more opportunities compared to this time last year so don't give up!


3 years ago

Since it's almost Veterans Day, there are typically organizations that are looking for volunteers to put out flags at cemeteries and memorials.


3 years ago

You should look into 'Students of the Year' by the Leukemia Lymphoma Society! I did it my sophomore year and then got invited back to the leadership team after than, and now I'm the president of my area's team! It's a seven week cancer fundraising program and you can spend as much or as little time as you want. There's a chapter in each state, and right now everything is online/community based.


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