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5 years ago
Admissions Advice

Do colleges like it if you take online courses on websites like Coursera and edX?

Hi, I'm a soon to be freshman who's currently thinking about what colleges would like to see on my application. I was wondering do universities like it when I take online courses for fun?

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
5 years ago

Yes, definitely, colleges do like seeing that you use your time wisely on stuff that helps enhance your knowledge and college applications. Colleges will also comprehend that you are able to take college classes despite the fact that you're in 9th grade. Personally, I recommend "Introduction to Aerospace Engineering: Astronautics and Human Spaceflight" with MITx and "Introduction to Aerospace Structures and Materials" with DelftX as I see that your username is based on engineering for aerospace. I hope this helps and have a good day ahead!

5 years ago

Hey, I'm in the same position as you. To answer your question, yes, colleges do like it because they want to see that you're prepared for the rigor there, and taking college-level online courses are a great way to demonstrate this to them. Perhaps, it would be better to put in your college application particular courses that you took specifically to the college your interested in. For example, you may put that you took a physics course on edX with MITx. Putting something like this demonstrates that you can handle the classes at MIT, so colleges will like this. I hope your question was answered. Anyway, good luck!!


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