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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

How Is Marquette University a great fit for you to finish college

I am Applying to Marquette University as a transfer student for Spring 2022 year and I have to write a essay about how is a great fit for me to finish college there. so any Marquette students can I hear you reviews for the school

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7 answers

3 years ago

@Rayanaj00 you are not going to find many alumni or current college students on CollegeVine. Some of the CV staff are in college. I would recommend that you take your question to College Confidential, Reddit, or Quora because you will find some better posters there that can help you.

95% of the readers here are high school students.

2 years ago

I believe Marquette offers students the chance to enjoy the best of both worlds in general. Being at a smaller school in this fantastic, huge city is a terrific opportunity to cross off a lot of items off the old bucket list. College years are a great time to try different things such as, to see what types of pathways you want to go later in life.

3 years ago

When you choose a custom written essay writing service to write business school essays, you might be curious about who is doing the work for you. When you hire a to handle the work for you, you won't have to wonder because you can choose which of our authors will work on your business essay before anything is written.

After you've chosen which of our authors you want to work with, you'll be able to connect with them throughout the writing process. As a result, not only will you receive a highly personalized service, but you will also have the option to make ideas and will be kept completely informed about what is going on.

3 years ago[edited]

To be honest, I always hated such essays, even if I have some ideas, I can't develop them in order to have a long and persuasive essay. Even when I am writing an essay about a basic topic I look for some information or examples like this one as it simplifies a lot the process and I finish the essay very quickly. You can also look for some examples, I think you will find them for sure.

3 years ago

You can find info about the campus, student groups, local area, and courses on Marquette's page on CollegeVine:

Find something that interests you about the school and write about it! That might help you write a 'why this school' essay more than student reviews because it will be personal to you.

3 years ago

Adding on Cameron's response, I recommend Niche for lots of student reviews on the college (you can sort by category/rating) and figure out from there what you like. You can also do research on the graduation rate, the average salary in x years, internship/research opportunities, classes, professors, etc. Anything to connect you to the school.

3 years ago

I don't want to sound rude but if you don't know why they are a good fit to finish your degree there why are you transferring there?

Confusion aside, I would assume the essay should be similar to the "why us" essay. Find something unique to the school, like a specific program, and talk about that. There are a lot of general factors that could apply to various places like location so be sure to mention at least one specific thing to the school, do your research and demonstrate it in your essay.

For student reviews I recommend a site called Niche. They rank colleges and have a student review feature. There are quite a few similar sites so I would google it if you want more reviews.

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