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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

I need to add to my ECs list

I am in several clubs and have many volunteer hours, but I feel like I need just a few more long-term ECs to add, and I heard that some hobbies count.

First off, how and why do they count, and second, which ones do you think count? I write stories and have since sixth grade, and I design and sew my own clothes (and have for a long time). Those are my biggest hobbies, but I don't feel like they would be considered because they aren't through school.

Please help!


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2 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

So extracurricular activities are basically anything you do in your life that's not academics that you think is significant. They count because they want to know more about you and what you have done, not everyone lives just for school-based acitivies. It shows dedication and interest in other fields/subjects. They include hobbies, although generally, hobbies aren't as strong as other extracurriculars like work experience, volunteering, etc

Sewing and writing are great examples! That's 6 years of dedication, it would seem kind of ignorant to not mention them.

Hope that helps!

3 years ago

If you enter writing contests or publish your works online somewhere, then this hobby would be a viable and fairly strong option. Sewing is also a strong EC activity, but it would help to have some form of proof that you care about what you do, such as participating in an online forum or a Facebook group.

As far as your question about what EC hobbies count, the answer is rather broad. All hobbies count, per se, but it really depends on the strength of your hobby. Your hobbies are both good options, and any other hobbies you have that are significant in your life can possibly be listed as well. Good luck, hope this helps.

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