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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

About something else

I am sorry for asking this type of question here.I am 18 years old now and science student.I have already submitted my application to the universities and soon will submit to other universities.I am totally depressed.I can't focus on my study from a few months.I don't have any addiction to anything.From some days I am working hard and trying to focus but I can't remember what I have studied and it takes a lot of time to read a little bit topicHelp me please 🙏🙏.

@AprilMay3 years ago

Here's my suggestion: try to do some meditation or exercise to calm yourself down in between tasks and don't do too much in one hour. You can also use the 25/5 rule where you do something for 25 mins and take breaks for 5 minutes. Seems like you have depression and anxiety so highly recommend you to talk with a counselor, parents, or other close acquaintances. Also, remember to sleep on time and drink water regularly! Try to put aside the thoughts of application for now, if possible.

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2 answers

3 years ago

It could be multiple things, but it’s very likely to be stress or anxiety of some kind. Is there anything going on in your personal life or academic life that could be stressing you out a lot? Is it college applications? Have you ever felt like this before during times of heavy stress? Are you working a lot, too busy? Are you getting enough sleep? You don’t have to answer these questions, but think about them. I am not a doctor or therapist, so take this with a grain of salt. I hope this helped.

3 years ago[edited]

Not to be mean but, I do not think they will care about you posting here. I don't even think they will check these posts regularly (correct me if I'm wrong). Also, there is a section on the common app where you can put things that you haven't wrote in the other parts of the app and specific things that you want to point out. (Should be around the last parts.) Also, what do you need help with?

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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