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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

My Schools grading system is really hard. Will Universities take this consideration?

I am in 9th grader in the Caribbean. I want to study in the United States. My School has a really hard grading Scale. For example, 80% is a C. Will Universities take this into consideration?

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@somethingunoriginal3 years ago

It probably depends on the type of classes you're taking. Are you in general, honors, or AP classes? They say getting below a B in Honors/AP isn't worth it, but if you're on that grading scale it could be different.

[🎤 AUTHOR]@MariaSare3 years ago

General Classes

@somethingunoriginal3 years ago

If you're in general then it's best to just hope that a university will consider that 80 to be a B.

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1 answer

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

Yes, colleges will look at your school profile and grading policies and take that into full consideration when looking at your academic transcript.

For example, at my private HS, only 1% of the students has a GPA over 95% and about 2/3rd of the graduating class has GPAs clustered between 87 and 92 so even the very best students look less impressive on paper compared to say other public or private schools where 10% of the class might have 4.0 GPAs.

Nevertheless we had about 20% get accepted to Ivys and Elite colleges even though they don't seem to meet the 3.90-4.00 GPAs that are on the marketing collateral.

Good luck.

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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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